- Choose friends wisely. My mom has friends visiting from elementary school - yes 5th grade friends that she has kept in touch with for years. Not only do they visit, but the send her flowers, cards, and check her website daily for updates. Make sure the people you surround yourself with, are the ones who will be with you until the end.
- Never underestimate the importance of family. When my mom was first diagnosed she wanted me to call every family member and let them know. But I didn't know all the third cousins twice removed. She of course had all the information for them because she went to all family reunions and really cared about them. She knew the names of their kids and in some cases grand kids. Likewise, they all knew and cared about her. Some of her family she would also consider as friends.
- Keep the faith. Stay close with God and lean on Him. It doesn't make sense to waste time trying to determine what His purpose is in taking someone to heaven. God has a plan, it is perfect and He deserves our trust. Period.
- Let others help you. So many people have been great about bringing food, sending cards, visiting, or sharing stories even when we said we didn't need anything. The truth is we don't want anything, but we need to know our mom's life meant something and touched someone else in some way.
- Laugh. That's it, laugh - especially at yourself. Reflecting back on my mom's life has been entertaining for my brother and I. Never lose your sense of humor, most days it will be the only thing keeping you going.
- Say "I Love You" everyday. Say it to everyone you love every time you see them. Don't expect that because you rub their feet or do their laundry without being asked that they know you love them. Tell them, hearing it is very important.
- Don't work too hard. If you do, you won't be able to really enjoy life and living.
Also, I've found new respect for my mom and her struggles as a single mother. I can honestly say I was blessed to have her as a mom because she sacrificed everything for my brother and I and the only regret I have is that she will be gone too soon and unable to enjoy all she worked so hard for. So remember to live, laugh, and love all those close to you.
And Happy Independence Day to you all.
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