Saturday, April 19, 2008

What's Your Worth?

I've never really thought about how much I am worth. Most folks I know measure it in dollars. How much you have in stocks, properties and other investments all add value to your worth. I don't have much in my 401k, only a small retirement so far, no stocks, and barely enough left in my bank account each month to enjoy a family fun night at the movies. But today as I passed by the Duluth Church of God I was humbled, excited, and awe stricken all at once. Their sign this week reads "Your worth to God, His own son". WOW! I had never really thought about it like that. I am worth so much to God that he allowed His only son to die so that I could find my way to Him. As a mom I can't imagine giving up the life of my child to save another person, but that's exactly what He did. I'm not sure I'll ever really comprehend it while I am here on earth, but I will forever be grateful that God thinks I am worth that much. You're worth that much too!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Remember this post Bracketology...Well, in case you haven't heard, Memphis and Kansas played in the final game of the NCAA Championship. Matt and Andrew had both picked North Carolina and UCLA in the final game...I picked Memphis and Kansas. So before the game even began I had won! Yes, I was the victor in college basketball bracketology against the two self-proclaimed greatest statisticians and basketball historians of this era. (Stealing a line from Deanna's Blog) The heaven's shone, the angels sang and little bunnies nibbled on clover. (That still makes me laugh when I envision the bunnies.) Anyway, I WON! Me, the mom who didn't know anything and was sooooo stupid for picking Memphis and Kansas. Well, I won with 115 points, Andrew was second with 84 and Matt was last with 83. It didn't even matter that the one I picked to win - Memphis, didn't because I already had enough points from the final two I picked. Ahhh, victory really does taste sweet, as did the massage I got from Andrew. Still waiting to collect my $5 from Matt. If he doesn't get a job and cough it up soon I'm going to have to get Guido after him. I'm so ready for Fantasy Baseball season!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


This past weekend my Uncle Craig retired after 29 years at Lockheed-Martin. My crazy cousin Janissa, his daughter, along with Aunt Margaret (the wife) and Jamie (also my cousin and Craig's son) threw him a surprise party. They live a good ways from us and we so love hanging out with Janissa and Johnny (her husband) and their daughter Katie that we made a weekend out of it. After the torrential downpour we drove through to get there, we had a weekend of cards, country breakfasts, guitar hero, and extreme laughter. When we get together with them we literally could be Olympians in competitive laughter. Once we get started it takes the need for oxygen or an aneurysm to get us to stop laughing. Even the boys laugh hard and never want to leave.

The party was Saturday night and it was catered by the Varsity, who of course lost their way and we had to wait an hour for them. But it was all you could eat so we made sure they left nothing on the truck. Craig got the standard retirement gifts: wrinkle cream, golf balls, and lots of cards about enjoying the time. We gave him pecans - 2 large bags from Sam's, because Margaret never lets him eat them because they are too expensive. My uncle started as a machinist at Lockheed and Johnny got his original tools and had them cleaned and then presented them to him at the party. Janissa had some of his other items framed, and Margaret announced he was paying for the party!

It was a great time and reminded me how lucky I am to have such a great extended family. It also made me realize that while I started working at 15 and have been working for 25 years, I still have another 25 to go before reaching retirement age. YIKES! I've only worked half as long as I need too and I'm exhausted. Guess I better start playing the lottery.