Saturday, May 3, 2008

Bent, Broken and Booted

Have you ever watched your child from afar and thought, "Wow, he (or she) is really graceful," or "this kid is so amazing I'll bet they could be a professional athlete." I used to think that about Matt but then he became a teenager and all hope was abandoned. Tuesday morning, as he prepared for school, he managed to step wrong, fall down the stairs, and break his ankle, AGAIN. He broke it this same time last year in a freak play at third base. This time when we went to the ER (and were greeted with the red carpet treatment of the frequent visitors who have paid enough in copays to qualify as a donating foundation member) the doctor made it clear that his ankle would not be supportive of long term athletic dreams. There is just too much "junk" in there with scar tissue and calcium deposits. Fortunately Matt had already given up aspirations of being a professional athlete. Now he is officially on the DL and sporting a lovely boot. Maybe that will earn him some sympathy when we face the judge Monday for his speeding violation. If not, I might have to borrow the boot to kick his...well you know.

1 comment:

Lara said...

Matt's or the judge's??? :)