Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

A friend of mine reminded me that God gives you the children you're supposed to have. I believe that too, but seem to forget it in the madness of school, homework, laundry, skinned knees, bee stings, broken bones, outrageous grocery bills, football, basketball, baseball, soccer, video games, missing curfew, sleepovers, and dirty dishes.

But with all that comes the most amazing unconditional love. From the early days when only mom's arms will stop the crying, when a mother's kiss takes the hurt away, and when a hug is all you need, children bring the greatest memories and love into a family.

For every grocery bill and dirty dish I am thankful my children did not go hungry today.
For every sleepover I am thankful my children have friends.
For every homework assignment and school I am thankful my children are being educated.
For every load of laundry I am thankful my children have clean clothes to wear.
For every skinned knee, bee sting, and broken bone, I am thankful my children have access to quality medical care.
For every sporting event they participate in, I am thankful for their ability and good health.
For every video game, I am thankful for their dexterity and coordination.
And for every missed curfew, I am thankful they still arrived home safely so I can hug, kiss and punish them!
For both of my children, Matthew and Andrew, I am eternally grateful and thankful to God for entrusting His children to me.

Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing moms I know and thank you for continually inspiring me to be better!


Deanna said...


Mikki said...

Thanks for the food song suggestion, I'll check it out.
Happy mothers day! I loved your thoughts on Mothers day and all the things to be grateful for. I'll try to keep some of them in mind the next time I'm pulling my hair out over something one of my kids does. :o)