Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A (Bad) Day in My Life

Wouldn't it be great if I could find something positive to post about? I wish I had the "always look on the bright side" mentality but some days just stink. Today was that day...here's how it went..

7:00 a.m. - Alarm goes off, have to get up early (yes 7 a.m. is VERY early for me) because I have to meet with Andrew's math teacher about his grade.
8:00 a.m. - Yell at Andrew to hurry up and let's go because traffic will be awful headed to the school
8:17 a.m. - Finally get in car
8:37 a.m. - Arrive 7 minutes to conference to hear about how Andrew is not responsible (which clearly he gets from his always prompt and very responsible mother). Then I have to listen to how smart but apathetic he his. Well if doesn't care, why should I? Just kidding, I do care about his grade, so I'll just start doing his homework.
8:55 a.m. - Return to car and get stuck in middle school parental drop-off SUV nightmare.
9:15 a.m. - Arrive to chiropractor for adjustment to aching back only to learn my insurance benefits for this plan year have expired and I'll need to pay full price going forward, plus the amount insurance didn't pay in September.
9:50 a.m. - Arrive to work and several voice mails about how my system has been crashing all morning and where the heck have I been?
10:30 a.m. - Decline lunch invitation from friend as I cannot leave the ball and chain attached to my desk.
11:30 a.m. - More calls only this time about forms that haven't been processed and what the heck am I working on that could be more important than a form printed in Korean? Never mind I had a system crashing, the system that prints forms nonetheless.
12:45 p.m. - Thank my good friend Annie for bringing me lunch.
2:00 p.m. - More calls and emails about how everything I support isn't working as it should. Plus interruptions from an on site vendor with stupid questions.
5:05 p.m. - I've had enough, headed home, grab a cupcake from friend Cindy's desk so my blood sugar can rise on the ride home.
5:30 p.m. - Arrive home and yell, then wait again on Andrew to be ready for football practice - even if you tell him 30 minutes ahead of time he's never ready on time. I'm thinking he's definitely in touch with his feminine side when it comes to getting ready.
5:45 p.m. - Drop Andrew off with Matt so he can take him to football practice.
5:46 p.m. - Call from Mom, can Matt help with some work at her house, not until he's finished my errands, he's mine first.
6:00 p.m. - Attend Touchdown Club Board Meeting so I can once again hear how many people haven't paid their dues, how much in the red we are, and what am I going to help do about it? I don't know, I paid my money! Maybe they could print a form or something and when that doesn't work I can be blamed.
7:00 p.m. - Attend the general Touchdown Club Meeting along with like 9 other parents, ones who have also paid, and listen to them complain about how it's not fair they paid and others haven't. Here ya go sister, share my book cause we are singing the same song!
8:30 p.m. - Rush to pick up Andrew from practice and drop his friend off at home, then drop him off at home.
8:35 p.m. - Call Matt, who is still at my mom's, not helping but eating dinner and watching football. Ask him to meet me at Kroger for grocery shopping, but of course he doesn't want too and then says "but if I don't you'll gripe at me".
8:35.01 p.m. - Tell Matt not to come and hang up on him.
9:30 p.m. - Complete grocery shopping only to learn my total of $176.54 is $26.54 over the approved limit for my new checking account. But this account isn't new, just the checks are....manager please. So check for $150, then another check entered as cash for $26.54 and I'm out the door.
9:45 p.m. - Stop for gas, surrounded by police, but I didn't do anything! Thank goodness for the green truck behind me, he was the one they were after.
9:52 p.m. - Arrive home, force boys to unload car, scan groceries for stupid home scanning project I am part of, and make boys put them away.
10:45 p.m. - Gobble down some Hamburger Helper because again, I'll need to eat right before bed if I want my blood sugar to really rise.
11:15 p.m. - Yell at Andrew one more time for the day, because I apparently have a quota I must meet, and forbid him to sleep in or around my bed, or even downstairs since he failed to take a shower after practice and now smells much like his socks.
11:45 p.m. - Begin typing this blog and after reliving my day realizing the only thing keeping me focused was knowing what a long boring blog this would be.

Now I get to do it all again tomorrow. Don't you just wish you could be me for a day?


Deanna said...

Oh. My. Goodness.

Some ideas if you have to live this day again:

(insert into schedule:)
7:03 Find alcohol in the kitchen - cooking wine, Kahluha, maybe even vanilla extract. Drink it straight, or add to morning coffee. If you don't drink morning coffee, you should start.
8:38 Use a breath mint before teacher asks if you smell alcohol...
8:39 - the comment about doing his homework made me laugh out loud.
9:15 - what up with insurance? They denied many of E's initial procedures, claiming a "pre-existing condition." At 2 months old - I told them he didn't "pre-exist."
11:31 - hand the complaining people a 3 ring binder and a pen and tell them to do their own dang forms.
Ok, just skipped down to 10:46pm. I ate two pieces of pizza sitting in bed last night. Those with poor eating habits - UNITE!

I miss you my friend. I hope tomorrow (today?) went better...

Lara said...

Sorry you had such a bad day! I agree with Deanna's solution :) Miss you! I hope today was much better and that tomorrow is even better than that!