Friday, October 17, 2008
The Teenage Stud!
Friday, October 10, 2008
My New Financial Plan
- If I had purchased $1,000 of shares in Delta Airlines one year ago, I would have $49.00 today.
- If I had purchased $1,000 of shares in AIG one year ago, I would have $33.00 today.
- If I had purchased $1,000 of shares in Lehman Brothers one year ago, I would have $0.00 today.
- If I had purchased $1,000 worth of beer one year ago, drank all the beer, then turned in the aluminum cans for recycling refund, I would have $214.00.
Based on the above, the best current investment plan is to drink heavily & recycle. It is called the 401-Keg.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Better Late Than Never
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Back To Reality

- I reconciled with my half-sister Sara. Most of you know she lived with me for a while until she made a terrible decision to purchase alcohol for Matt and his friends. That was two years ago, almost to the day my mom got sick. But now she is living with our other sister, Carey, and has saved some money and holding down a good steady job. She's really gotten herself together and I am very proud of her.
- I got to spend good quality time with my brother, Chris and his wife and son, Caitriona and Harry. It's possible I have the most amazing sister-in-law on the planet and certainly one of the cutest nephews ever (see picture with Matt & Andrew). I've never really spent time with my brother or discussed in depth anything, but now I have a much greater respect for him as an adult, a husband and a father. My brother and his family are a class act!
So, that's all for now. Guess I need to get on with writing all the thank you notes I have piled up here. For those reading this, THANK YOU!
Friday, July 4, 2008
- Choose friends wisely. My mom has friends visiting from elementary school - yes 5th grade friends that she has kept in touch with for years. Not only do they visit, but the send her flowers, cards, and check her website daily for updates. Make sure the people you surround yourself with, are the ones who will be with you until the end.
- Never underestimate the importance of family. When my mom was first diagnosed she wanted me to call every family member and let them know. But I didn't know all the third cousins twice removed. She of course had all the information for them because she went to all family reunions and really cared about them. She knew the names of their kids and in some cases grand kids. Likewise, they all knew and cared about her. Some of her family she would also consider as friends.
- Keep the faith. Stay close with God and lean on Him. It doesn't make sense to waste time trying to determine what His purpose is in taking someone to heaven. God has a plan, it is perfect and He deserves our trust. Period.
- Let others help you. So many people have been great about bringing food, sending cards, visiting, or sharing stories even when we said we didn't need anything. The truth is we don't want anything, but we need to know our mom's life meant something and touched someone else in some way.
- Laugh. That's it, laugh - especially at yourself. Reflecting back on my mom's life has been entertaining for my brother and I. Never lose your sense of humor, most days it will be the only thing keeping you going.
- Say "I Love You" everyday. Say it to everyone you love every time you see them. Don't expect that because you rub their feet or do their laundry without being asked that they know you love them. Tell them, hearing it is very important.
- Don't work too hard. If you do, you won't be able to really enjoy life and living.
Also, I've found new respect for my mom and her struggles as a single mother. I can honestly say I was blessed to have her as a mom because she sacrificed everything for my brother and I and the only regret I have is that she will be gone too soon and unable to enjoy all she worked so hard for. So remember to live, laugh, and love all those close to you.
And Happy Independence Day to you all.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Difficult Decisions
I've always felt like I disappointed her, never living up to the dreams she so badly wanted for me. I know she wanted more for me, but instead of appreciating who I am, she continued to try to change me to be more like her. I guess it explains why I am so difficult now. But I am okay with who I am. Yes, I am sarcastic but rarely do I ever intend to hurt someone else. I enjoy laughing - loudly - and she thinks I am silly. I like to let my hair be wild, she thinks I should have it styled weekly and tape it at night. I like to eat out or try new things, she thinks I should cook at home every night with a meat and two veggies (at least one must be green) and serve bread and milk. I like CSI, she likes Matlock. I like baseball, basketball and football, she likes watching or listening to the Bill Gaither Homecoming. Seriously, how many days in a row or month can be considered a homecoming? Get home already and stop singing about it!
Anyway, she's lost the ability to reason well and tonight was a prime example. I mentioned at 10:00 p.m. that she needed to take her medication. She immediately snapped at me that she knew exactly what to take - one pill. I tried, very nicely, to explain that because we had gone out for dinner she missed her 8:00 dose and needed to take it plus the other pill she takes at 10:00. Naturally she didn't trust me, and although my brother backed me up and I said nothing else, it escalated to ridiculous proportions and had my mom and brother yelling at each other, she started crying and Matt ended up getting her pills.
Here's the difficult brother will be leaving Thursday to return to England which means all her care will fall to me solely. The one she hates and doesn't trust. We did all agree that we need to get her into an assisted living place for round the clock care - but it's not like we can move her in tomorrow. We've got a house, a condo, and a car to sell. We got furniture to get rid of, stuff to pack, and things to organize. Additionally we need to get her disability to begin, her retirement to start, and her insurance issues settled. I've got to shuttle her to doctor appointments, radiation, and chemo while trying to keep my job. I have to schedule sitters and drivers and worry about meals. I've had to cancel the vacation I was planning with the boys since it is in the middle of her treatments. I'm not looking to whine, I just feel overwhelmed.
It makes the most sense financially to move her into my house - we have enough room. But the real question, do I have enough patience to move her here while I sort out the other stuff and then put her in assisted living? Can I tolerate the mood swings, the yelling, the cursing, and the complete distrust she has in me? I know it is the right thing to do but is it worth my sanity?
Please, please be in prayer for her and me.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Goggle Boy

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
It's All About Me
I am a C.H.A.M. That means I passed my test and am now officially a Certified Healthcare Access Manager. The test was harder than I originally thought and yes, it took me a second time to pass. What makes it so great is that I am the first one at my hospital to have this certification. Yep, of the 4000+ employees I am the only one who is a CHAM. I get to add some initials to my email signature. I get to have my name printed in the NAHAM (National Association of Healthcare Access Managers) Directory and not everyone there has this certification. I get a certificate for framing and pin to wear on my name badge. I feel special.
Sure today Matt found out the girl he has been dreaming about is finally single and yes I am excited that Andrew got a 92 on his math notebook (previous quarters have not seen the notebook grade above a 70), but today is mine. I'll celebrate them tomorrow, right now, it's all about me!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
But with all that comes the most amazing unconditional love. From the early days when only mom's arms will stop the crying, when a mother's kiss takes the hurt away, and when a hug is all you need, children bring the greatest memories and love into a family.
For every grocery bill and dirty dish I am thankful my children did not go hungry today.
For every sleepover I am thankful my children have friends.
For every homework assignment and school I am thankful my children are being educated.
For every load of laundry I am thankful my children have clean clothes to wear.
For every skinned knee, bee sting, and broken bone, I am thankful my children have access to quality medical care.
For every sporting event they participate in, I am thankful for their ability and good health.
For every video game, I am thankful for their dexterity and coordination.
And for every missed curfew, I am thankful they still arrived home safely so I can hug, kiss and punish them!
For both of my children, Matthew and Andrew, I am eternally grateful and thankful to God for entrusting His children to me.
Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing moms I know and thank you for continually inspiring me to be better!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Better is One Day Out of Court
It was bad enough I knew the fine for Matt's speeding (52 in a 35) was going to be $176.25, but did we REALLY have to go to court also? Yes! If a driver under 21 is ticketed for a reportable offense (one that carries points which will be assessed against your driver's license) then court appearance is mandatory. Now, here is some advice for those of you who've not had the pleasure of traffic court:
- Arrive Early. Just because the ticket says court begins at 9:00 a.m. don't wait until then to go. In Duluth you are seen by the order of your arrival.
- Do NOT under any circumstances expect that you can take your cell phone in the court room, even if you have it on silent and it is in your pocket.
- If you have a metal belt buckle, expect the metal detector to alarm and know you shall suffer the subsequent search and fondling by the police.
- If the row says "Reserved" do not attempt to sit on the edge, even if no other seating is available. Simply wait for someone else to be arraigned and leave.
- Bring something to read or you will be forced to listen to lame stories and apologies from people who refuse to admit guilt.
- If you can't pay your fine, no worries, you can be put on probation where you have to report every month and it's like a "pay as you go" plan. But be careful, that line is as long as the one to get in the courtroom.
- Expect to see people you know, but do not attempt to make eye contact or give a nod of recognition. Apparently if you are caught with marijuana you don't want your friend's mom eyeballing you.
- If you want to go first, hire an attorney - they always get to the front of the line. In our experience, everyone charged with DUI had an attorney so we heard all those cases first.
- Do not expect justice to actually be served.
Even Matt didn't receive justice (he should have suffered under his original charge as he was guilty), but he did receive mercy. His speeding was reduced to "going too fast for conditions" which carries no points. The fine is the same amount and he must complete a defensive driving course within 30 days and then return June 4th with certificate in hand to have his case closed.
The worst part of the day for me was my disgust at the DUI offenders who ALL got their sentences reduced and none of them lost their license. How is that even possible? Caught drunk driving but only slapped with a fine and time served at the initial arrest. It somehow seems wrong that these people could leave court for a DUI and go celebrate their freedom with a drink. I guess they have to actually hurt someone or something for justice to be served.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Bent, Broken and Booted
Saturday, April 19, 2008
What's Your Worth?
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The party was Saturday night and it was catered by the Varsity, who of course lost their way and we had to wait an hour for them. But it was all you could eat so we made sure they left nothing on the truck. Craig got the standard retirement gifts: wrinkle cream, golf balls, and lots of cards about enjoying the time. We gave him pecans - 2 large bags from Sam's, because Margaret never lets him eat them because they are too expensive. My uncle started as a machinist at Lockheed and Johnny got his original tools and had them cleaned and then presented them to him at the party. Janissa had some of his other items framed, and Margaret announced he was paying for the party!
It was a great time and reminded me how lucky I am to have such a great extended family. It also made me realize that while I started working at 15 and have been working for 25 years, I still have another 25 to go before reaching retirement age. YIKES! I've only worked half as long as I need too and I'm exhausted. Guess I better start playing the lottery.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Locked Out
So when I was at Andrew's game tonight and felt the first of the raindrops I told Matt I was headed to the car and would wait it out there. No way I wanted to be soaked again, nor have my purse dripping wet. Well, it never really started to rain hard and about the second quarter it stopped even misting so I left my purse in the car, grabbed my phone and keys and locked the car and returned to the sidelines to watch the remainder of the game.
It was my turn to bring snack and Andrew already had the cooler with drinks but I had left the chips in the car in case of the aforementioned rain. So towards the end of the 4th quarter Matt went to get the chips. When he returned I asked for my keys and he said he didn't have them. I told him to stop joking but he really didn't have them, they were in the car, the LOCKED car. He asked sarcastically if I had a I answered sarcastically that yes it do, it's in my purse in the LOCKED card. Then my sarcasm turned to anger and I said other things, which I won't print here.
I called my mom to get the number for a locksmith. She offered to come get me to take me home to get the spare, but the spare is in my purse in the LOCKED car. And the keys to my house are in the LOCKED car. She said she'd take to me to a Honda dealership and have them get me another key...except that my proof of ownership is in the LOCKED car, along with my house keys to show any other proof of ownership and all my money. So she finally gave me a number, I called and they wanted $35 for the service call and then $195 for the labor. Yikes, never mind.
So I called the Norcross Police, they won't do it. I called my friend Tina, her husband is a Sheriff's Deputy with Gwinnett County. She didn't answer. So I called my friend Cindy, whom I hoped would know someone in Norcross who could boost a car. I was totally willing to pay a criminal $20 to break into my car. Anyway, she got Tina who got her husband and finally luck was on my side. He was in Norcross serving warrants, so he and another officer came over. But neither had tools. However, he called a wrecker service for me and they charged me $55 which was way cheaper than the locksmith.
So, about an hour and a half after the game ended, we finally got back into our car. It's no fun being locked out. The good news, Andrew's team won the game 4-0. And yes, I have apologized to Matt.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Now, if you didn't know MARTA had Breeze Passes now then you likely don't know you have to use them to "tap" out or leave the station when you arrive. So we got to Phillips Arena and were stuck inside the MARTA station. Do you know where the machine is to buy tickets? Yep, on the other side of the gate we were stuck behind. We were in MARTA prison, forced to ride trains forever. Sure we could go anywhere the trains went, but we could never was like Hotel California of MARTA.
Fortunately a very nice MARTA policeman came along and we explained out dilemma. He laughed but let us out and told us to find him when the game ended and he'd let us back in so we didn't have to pay additional money. The Hawks won, we had a great time and got back home on MARTA without paying any more money, thanks to a couple of other MARTA employees who opened gates for us.
Although I felt like an idiot I thought it was a good lesson for the boys to realize that you can't trust everyone, but there are still people out there willing to help when you are down on your luck.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
They're Blogging like Flies
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Political Correctness
She is not a 'BABE' or a 'CHICK' - She is a 'BREASTED AMERICAN'.
She is not an 'AIRHEAD' - She is 'REALITY IMPAIRED.'
She does not get 'DRUNK' or 'TIPSY' - She gets 'CHEMICALLY INCONVENIENCED'
She does not have 'BREAST IMPLANTS' - She is 'MEDICALLY ENHANCED.'
She does not 'NAG' you - She becomes 'VERBALLY REPETITIVE.'
She is not a 'TWO-BIT HOOKER' - She is a 'LOW COST PROVIDER'
He does not have a 'BEER GUT' - He has developed a 'LIQUID GRAIN STORAGE FACILITY.'
He is not a 'BAD DANCER' – He is 'OVERLY CAUCASIAN.'
He is not ' BALDING' - He is in 'FOLLICLE REGRESSION.'
He does not act like a 'TOTAL ASS' - He develops a case of 'RECTAL-CRANIAL INVERSION.'
He does not show his 'CRACK' – He has 'REAR CLEAVAGE'
Sunday, March 9, 2008
A Real Writer
**UPDATED 04/11/2008**Thsi guy removed his blog, so guess he doesn't really want to be a writer after all. SORRY!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
A New Convert
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Are You A Good Apple?

My friend Kim sent this to me. I so loved it I thought I would share it with whomever reads my random thoughts:
Apples & Wine
Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they sometimes take the apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. The apples at the top are thinking something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who is brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.
Now are like fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up to the women to stomp the shit of out of them until they turn into something acceptable to join with for dinner.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Nothing Much
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Finding a Church Home
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Water Basketball
Michael Jordan's got nothing on me now. I can block, shoot, dunk - yes I said DUNK and never even break a sweat. And Andrew is also amazing. He can even dunk. Who knew so much talent resided in my family. Between water basketball and our rock band, we could really be superstars...or sideshow freaks.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Ahh the silence
I'll probably panic if my car breaks down, I have a flat, or it gets stolen. I mean have you even seen a pay phone these days? But that wouldn't help either since I never have change thanks to my trusty debit card that even McDonald's will take when I get a $1 sausage biscuit.
But then I mother hasn't called me in four days...ah the silence. No worries, I mean she is alive, she has email and I have thus been contacted with jokes and chain mails.
I also bought a cell phone charger that works in the car today, but don't tell anyone, especially my family. I'm going to enjoy the silence a bit longer.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Weekend Getaway

Back at Christmas I had mentioned to the boys we should get away on MLK weekend since they would be out of school. I thought we'd head to North Carolina and visit my dad who now lives in Cary near Raleigh-Durham. Well work forced me to cancel my Monday day off plans, and then last Thursday they changed gears again and decided I could be off. Then it snowed here Saturday so I thought we'd be content to hang out in Georgia, but on Sunday after church was canceled we decided to head for Maggie Valley in North Carolina and take in some fun with snow. It was VERY cold Sunday night when the boys were tubing, but Monday was beautiful as Matt and I watched Andrew snowboard for the first time ever at Cataloochee Ski Area. We had a blast. It was only a three hour drive and we even found a cheap hotel and a great place to eat - Peter's Pancakes & Waffles.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
After The Show...
Anyway, we've also mastered the Rock Band and I've even found myself in a "Bass Groove" while strumming along. Andrew blew us away with a 706 note streak - yes he hit 706 notes in a row on the drums. It was amazing and he was sweating like a, well like a drummer.
I went to the Game Stop tonight looking for some more games with songs I can sing but they didn't have anything new...sigh...guess I'll have to watch TV.
Friday, January 4, 2008
We Are Rock Stars!
Here's how it started...for Christmas the boys surprised me with a store bought gift (yes, this is the first time they have ever given me something they bought with their own money). They got me SingStar 80's. It's a game for the PlayStation where you sing into a microphone and it scores you on whether or not you sing it properly. Well, they made the mistake of getting the 80's version, because they knew I'd like it, and they were right. Of course I totally KILLED them on the score, because I knew all the songs. Then I was hooked. I started looking for cheat codes online because I wanted to unlock more songs to sing. Yes, I said it, out loud, in my blog, and to my children...I am a cheater, and I need the codes. Sadly, SingStar has no cheat codes to unlock more songs.
Anyway, while online I found another game, Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol. OMG!! I always wanted to be on that show, and of course based on my shower singing I am qualified. So I spent the $20 for the game because this one lets you go from the audition room, to Hollywood, and you get feedback from the judges, and yes it's really Simon and if you don't sing well he will tell you. Anyway, I was up until midnight last night but I finally won and I am your 2008 American Idol now. Thanks in part to the Captain and Tennille who proved that while Love Can Keep Us Together, it can also make me an American Idol. I was rewarded with trophies, and I unlocked more songs, videos, and characters. I am good, in fact I have 23 platinum records now. I really think I might need to go to Hollywood. I've also cured my need to cheat...I'm so good on this game stuff unlocks based on my score, no need to enter codes.
The boys had also been talking about the game called Rock Band. So once again we used money given to us for Christmas (courtesy of my brother) to get this game. This one has a guitar, a drum set and a microphone. So we've got Andrew on the wireless guitar, Matt banging the drums, and I am belting lyrics. We've started our World Tour, right from our living room. And we are good. You should hear the crowd, sure they're animated, but they LOVE us!
These games are so much fun, I recommend them to everyone. Even if you can't sing, you'll love them, because you can just hum and get the points, you don't even have to sing the right words, just sing something close and you're credited. It's a total ego booster. OK, I've got to get back to the living room, I mean studio, we are about to perform another song. If you'd like to book us for an event, call our agent.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New Year!
Christmas morning when all other presents were opened I asked Andrew to get me something to drink (knowing this would force him to the room where the bike would be seen). As he went to get my drink (what a good kid for doing that) Matt, my mom and I sat silent waiting to hear his reaction. His reaction was completely unexpected...while I was expecting wails of excitement what he did instead was come running back into the living, jumping probably 5 feet in the air into my arms as I sat on the sofa. Then he burst into tears while giving me the biggest bear hug of his life. It's the stuff dreams are made of, it's the reaction every parent wants when they give their child a gift. Even Matt and my Mom were misty when they saw his pure and innocent gratitude for the gift he didn't know he was getting.
I told him how Matt had worked to get his gift and he gave Matt the same big bear hug and has told us both countless times, "Thank You!". It was definitely a Christmas to remember, and though the surprise was for Andrew, Matt also learned how much fun it is to give rather than receive.